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Thursday, August 28
Don't know much about the number of Africans in the Middle East, but their presence has led to a confrontation between Salam Pax's family and U.S. soldiers: Anyway so my brother and father start talking to the medic and he tells them what this is about. They have been "informed" that there are daily meetings the last five days, Sudanese people come into our house at 9am and stay till 3pm, we are a probable Ansar cell. My father is totally baffled, my brother gets it. These are not Sudanese men they are from Basra the "informer" is stupid enough to forget that there is a sizeable population in Basra who are of African origin. Tuesday, August 26
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I believe it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe that it is better to be free than to be a slave. |